About Private Prayers
Well, hello there. I’m Johanna Polus, someone trying to find Meaning in The Mess.
I’m fascinated and inspired by peoples’ spiritual lives, particularly those of writers and historical figures. Some of my posts examine these lives from fairly specific angles.
Other posts stem from my ruminations on literature, culture, or whatever I happen to be obsessing over at the moment.
Oh - and kooks! I have a fondness for kooks, spiritual/religious or otherwise. So be forewarned: Kooks are definitely on the menu.
A Word on My Beliefs
I attended a variety of Christian churches growing up, usually as someone’s guest. That being said, I don’t consider myself Christian and most Christians would probably agree (although I suppose the Unitarians would have me). I believe in God. I believe that morality, as expressed in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, flows from God. I believe in and strive to follow Christ’s teachings. However, I’m not a literalist. From the story of the flood to the story of the Resurrection, I believe both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament describe our relationship with God, as well as how we should conduct our lives as God’s children, through metaphor.
My posts will tend to focus on the Judeo-Christian tradition since that is the one I typically come across in my searchings. However, I’m very interested in other faith traditions as well.
That’s It!
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